National Computer Repair

Experienced in computer repair, data recovery, and a love for all things geek.

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Using Your Computer in the Heat

Summer is here, and it’s brought some heat for the ride! This begs the question: can you use your computer or laptop in the heat? The good news is, yes – with some exceptions of course. Follow along with this blog to learn the dos and don’ts of computer use in the summer heat!


Avoid: Direct Sunlight

There are many jobs or tasks that require laptop or computer use on the go. If this is something that applies to you, just remember to keep your electronics out of direct sunlight. If you’re working outside, find a shady spot or bring an umbrella; this will keep your laptop from overheating and shutting down. The shade will also make it easier to see your screen while working. If you have a home desktop computer, avoid placing it directly in front of a window that gets a lot of sun. If this is too difficult to avoid, ensure that your windows have easy to use blinds. Again, this will give your computer a cool environment to run in.

Avoid: Cars

If you’re an on-the-go type of person, avoid leaving your laptop in the car. While it may be hard to resist, leaving your laptop in the car is a great way to overheat the hard drives. If you’re stopping somewhere quickly, we suggest using a laptop carrier as you can wear it on your shoulder or even in a backpack. It may seem ridiculous, but your laptop will be happier. You wouldn’t leave your toddler or dog in the car during a hot summer day; even for a second. Treat your laptop like a living being, and you’ll be in the clear!

Tip: Acclimate

A laptop’s name can be very deceiving. The name makes it seem like your device should be sat on your lap, when in actuality there are tons and tons of articles warning against this. Well, we are here to say the same. While using your laptop out in the heat or in a hot environment, your main goal should be to maintain a cool surface for your device to rest on. Whether the temperature is hot or cold, your body is always warm. Leaving your laptop on your lap can warm up the device. When it’s already hot outside, you’re now at risk for overheating. Another reason you should avoid resting your device on your lap is because the heat created by the laptop could potentially burn your legs! 



Summer is in full swing, which means the days are getting warmer and warmer. This year, we recommend paying close attention to how you treat your laptop or desktop computer in the heat. Avoiding potentially damaging situations while maintaining a cool environment is imperative to device longevity. Too late to follow this advice? Head on over to National Computer Repair to check out different ways we can help you!

How to Keep Your Laptop Safe From Cold Weather

Believe it or not, your electronic devices are sensitive to the cold and are prone to both software and hardware malfunctions. For instance, your laptop might experience a dead battery, screen issues, internal component errors, or liquid condensation. There’s no worse feeling than losing accessibility to your laptop, especially when you put heavy investments in it. When dealing with the wintertime, you’re going to need a plan on how to keep your laptop safe. In this blog, we’ll detail ways in which you can protect your laptop from freezing up!

Minimize exposure to cold weather

Keep your laptop in a bag or case whenever you go out. If you live in an area where it snows, then you definitely want to avoid exposing your laptop to the cold. If snow ever falls on it directly, the liquid can slip into the crevices and damage your hardware. You can find a well-insulated and padded case to reduce the frigidity – think of it as putting a coat on your laptop!

Don’t leave it in your car

In general, you should not leave your laptop or any other electronic device in your car where it’s visible to passing eyes. In this case, you don’t want to leave it in your car with the engine off. It’s bound to feel like a brick of ice by the time you come back and pick it up. There will more than likely be internal and external damage.

Change the settings to power save mode

The power save mode is your best friend, someone who’s there to help you. Shutting down your laptop causes the hard drive to stop spinning. When you change it to power save mode, however, the disk will keep spinning and generate its own heat. Don’t worry about it overheating – the setting prevents that from happening!

Don’t use warmers that aren’t intended for electronic devices

Pocket warmers are not designed to keep your phone or laptop warm. If you use these, then the excess heat will cause internal components to melt. The only heat you really want for your laptop is the one that it generates on its own.


These are just a few tips to follow when carrying or using your laptop in the cold. Generally, electronic devices are expensive and, even if it’s just repairs, they can still make a dent in your wallet. That’s why we urge you to take cautionary measures with your laptop. If you encounter an issue, bring it to your local computer technician that offers affordable prices!

PC Problems: Should You Upgrade or Start From Scratch?

If you built your computer from the ground up and got used to optimal performance, sometimes even the smallest dips in speed can seem much more drastic than they are. This familiarity with speed and convenience makes knowing when to upgrade and when to cut your losses and build a new PC rather difficult. Many times, users can convince themselves an entirely new computer is necessary simply out of excitement of being able to craft a new machine with completely modern parts. And while we would never scold you for being excited about the new PC innovations out there, the more budget-friendly option can often be just replacing a part or two.

If you find yourself walking a tightrope unsure of whether you want to upgrade or rebuild, we urge you to read on. Below, we’ve covered a few of the important questions you need to ask yourself if you plan on making some changes to that current rig.

How Necessary Is the Upgrade?

Having the funds necessary to build up an entirely new computer can be exciting, but knowing when’s the right time to simply opt for a upgrade can keep your computer running well until an even more impressive set of parts worth that excitement are released! Always ask yourself just how essential the upgrade or rebuild really is. Is your computer running slowly across the board or is it only when you perform certain tasks or utilize a certain part? If it’s the latter, you could save quite a bit by simply swapping out that one trouble-making piece.

When Is a New Computer Necessary?

One of the many perks of custom-built computers is the fact that many of their parts are reusable. If you needed a brand new motherboard, for example, you can still use your old power supply, graphics card, and even power supply.

That being said, this doesn’t necessarily rule out the need for a brand new computer in certain circumstances. After all, if everything in the computer is so old that it isn’t even worth recycling or if the parts are so outdated they wouldn’t meet the needs you now have for a PC, it could be simpler to start with a new rig and upgrade it as time goes on.


What Parts Need an Upgrade?

If you’ve come to the realization that a complete rebuild isn’t necessary, the next step is nailing down what parts actually need that upgrade. Much like when you build a new PC, it’s essential to start with what you need out of your computer. If you’re simply looking to speed it up for the sake of efficiency, you can get away with a simple SSD. If, however, you want to game more and have your computer keep up with higher visual settings, a new graphics card could be the way to go.

Unfortunately, it can sometimes be the case that one individual part depends on another component to run effectively. In these kinds of situations, swapping one out can mean having to upgrade the other. For instance, if you plan on upgrading your CPU, you might need to invest in a new motherboard that can hold it if your current one isn’t a proper fit. A brand new graphic card, on the other hand, may not depend on any given part in such a way but, if your power supply isn’t up to snuff, you won’t be able to leverage the abilities of that new video card in the first place.


It can sound like a lot to keep all of this in mind, but there’s no reason to be discouraged! Whether you’re a tech savvy person yourself or you don’t know the first thing about custom rigs, there are countless teams, forums, and blogs like ours online that can help fill the gaps in your knowledge. Do your homework, speak with the professionals, and create that computer that lasts you for years to come!

Pre-Built Versus Custom Built Computer Towers

Back in the early days of personal computers, there’s always been an option by the consumer to put together their own system. This offered a way for people to save significantly on their rigs so long as they were alright with purchasing third-party parts from various manufacturers.

While things have changed a lot since those days, it’s easy to see why there’s still plenty of appeal surrounding custom built computer towers. Taking this into consideration, we’re going to look at the advantages and disadvantages of going pre-built versus custom made.

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

When you take a look inside a computer tower, you’ll discover a number of different components that work together to help the computer function in the first place.

There’s the motherboard, the processor, memory sticks, the hard drive, and other components that determine the computing system’s quality and performance. This is where the biggest difference between a store-bought system and a custom built rig is calculated – the parts that have been selected in the first place.

Why Custom Built Computer Towers Are the Way to Go

We addressed this topic somewhat in a previous blog post. As we mentioned then and will reiterate now, the biggest advantage you have with building a computer from the ground up is the benefit of choosing the parts you want. When you go pre-built, almost all the components are selected for you. As a result, you may have to make some compromises on certain features, like a better video card or more storage, because it often won’t have every single part you truly want.

This is why it makes sense that building a computer from scratch will let you choose the parts that best encapsulate the type of system you personally desire. While there are certain vendors that allow you to customize your computer, you are still limited to what they have available.

Another point worth bringing up is that there are plenty of pre-built systems out there that may share the same model, but contain very different parts inside. A lot of this has to do with the parts available by the suppliers at the time the system was built. At any point, a company like Dell may decide to switch hard drive or memory manufacturers based on cost. Once again, if you go custom-built, you can be certain what parts are going into your PC.

There’s also the very tangible advantage of gaining knowledge from the entire process. As you start to put your computer together, you will start to learn and understand how everything simply works. This can become exponentially beneficial if you ever have to troubleshoot any computer problems you may be experiencing, as you will also be able to repair any hardware without wasting your time going through scores of support sites.

Finally, as you can imagine, there is the cost advantage. The more powerful you want your desktop PC to become, there’s a better chance you’ll be able to save some money by using a custom built computer tower.

Why You May Decide to Go Pre-Built

You know how we mentioned that being able to build your own computer means you won’t have to rely on support sites, allowing you to figure things out on your own? This can be detrimental if you don’t consider yourself to be that computer savvy. Every component you purchase has its own manufacturer and warranty you have to deal with.

If there is a problem with that part, you’ll need to contact that particular company. With a pre-built system, there’s only one manufacturer and warranty service you have to go through. But at the same time, when going custom, you’ll appreciate being able to replace a single faulty part rather than having to wait until your entire system is replaced.

The process of picking out compatible components for the computer of your ideal system can also be incredibly complicated and often frustrating. This scenario becomes exacerbated if this is the very first time you’ve built a computer. You have to make sure all the parts within the case you like, ensuring the memory and processor works with the motherboard you’ve chosen, and determining whether your power supply has enough wattage to support everything. Needless to say, there are so many different scenarios you have to take into consideration.


Lastly, while the cost can be seen as an advantage of custom building your PC, it can also be a disadvantage, especially if you were only interested in making a desktop computer to perform basic functions (i.e. word processing or internet surfing). By buying parts in bulk, manufacturers are able to pass along the savings to the consumer (though it isn’t always substantial). This isn’t the case with the budget market where the level of competition is extremely high.

However, if you plan on doing a lot of video editing, gaming, or other intensive activities, it would likely be in your best interests to go with a custom built computer tower. Of course, we would always recommend speaking to a qualified professional who will be able to answer any questions you may have and build a system geared towards your intended use-cases. The best part is, by having someone who already knows how to put computers together, you can avoid making any of the compatibility mistakes we talked about!

3 Reasons Why a Custom Built Computer Towers Over Other PCs

In our world of unparalleled inter-connectivity, a properly running computer is more than ideal, it’s required! Hearing this, the layman’s first instinct would be to head over to the nearest electronics store and pick up the most impressive looking rig they could find. Well we’re here to tell you to fight that instinct and hear us out when we say a custom built PC is the perfect choice for first time buyers and veterans alike!

That’s right, even less experienced computer users can benefit from a custom built PC because it’s exactly that, custom built for you and you alone. Read on for 3 of the most important reasons we feel custom built computer towers are the way to go no matter the purpose for their construction.

Superior Performance for the Price

When it comes to computers, performance is all that matters and custom rigs run absolute circles around prefabricated models! The reason this is the case is because you know better than anyone what you need a new computer for. Commonly, pre-built rigs are sold at exorbitant prices because one or two parts of the computer, such as the graphics card or processor, is more expensive. You may, however, find that you don’t need a powerful graphics card for what you plan to use your PC for. That being said, when building your own computer, you get to choose your budget and how much of that budget gets put towards each component of your computer! In short, you get the best bang for your buck and a computer tailor made to handle the tasks you perform daily.

Better Warranties

As convenient as they may be, computers are still complex pieces of machinery and can breakdown for a number of reasons. Naturally, keeping your computer properly insured and protected is essential to avoid sudden malfunctions that serve to ruin your productivity. The problem here is that most pre-built computers only come with a year, maybe two year, warranty tops. Not a lot of leeway for a tool as essential as your PC!

When building your own computer however, warranties come standard with every piece you buy! Higher end parts can come with 5 year warranties or even lifetime warranties depending on where you shop! The benefit of this, aside from the obviously longer warranties, is that, should something break, you only need to send back the one misbehaving part instead of your entire computer.


If you’ve ever known a person with their own custom PC, you’ve probably seen the look of excitement on their face whenever a new graphics card hits the market! That’s because custom built computer towers have room for replacing parts with stronger, higher end models. This ability to upgrade whenever you feel your computer has begun to slow down is what makes custom rigs so appealing to many of us. You get to choose when your computer kicks the bucket, not the market!

Compare that with pre-built computers and their tendency to use slim cases that sacrifice practicality and room for upgrades for form factor, and it’s easy to see why a custom setup takes the cake.


Of course, building a custom computer takes a little bit of research and a more in-depth understanding of what you want out of a PC. While this may be the case, it’s never a bad idea to familiarize yourself with computers and their function when we as a society are so dependent on them. Furthermore, all of this research will invariably pay off exponentially when you finally set up that tailor made computer you were able to make on a budget that meets all of your specific needs!

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